CFIN & MIB guest talk: Gunter Kreutz

Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz from Universität Oldenburg visits MIB and gives talk called "Music for better lives? - Current prospects and challenges".

Info about event


Monday 5 March 2018,  at 13:30 - 14:30


Aarhus University Hospital, Nørrebrogade 44, Meeting room 5th floor, DNC Building 10G, Aarhus C.


Music for better lives? - Current prospects and challenges


Playing music is ambiguous. On the one hand, it can be a pathogen with regard to the manifold challenges in response to long-term practice and performance that professional musicians’ (and dancers’) are confronted with, or with regard to exposure high sound pressure levels that have been associated with hearing problems. On the other hand, the salutogenetic potentials of music activities including listening, singing, dancing, playing instruments, and song-writing, for example, have been investigated over the last decades. The basic hypothesis holds that every-day music activities may exert positive psychophysiological and social influences on individual wellbeing and quality of life. Therefore, the central challenges for the future of this novel field of research are two-fold: first, to increase the knowledge base with large-scale, multi-center-studies of high methodology quality; second, to promote music-based salutogenetic approaches for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation across non-clinical and clinical contexts. I will discuss examples from empirical studies and conclude with some suggestions to inform education, social, and health politics.

Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz

Department of Music
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg