Medical Innovation Day 2018

Medical Innovation Day is an annual event, which brings together medical companies and students studying any discipline with relation to medicine, health and healthcare.

Info about event


Thursday 4 October 2018, at 08:00 - Friday 5 October 2018, at 18:00


Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.


Medical Innovation Day 2018 takes place on 4-5 October 2018. The event has the double aim of introducing students from all participating faculties to real-life challenges from companies, while introducing companies to fresh new ideas from the scientific community.

Two tracks

Students and company representatives are invited to participate in two independent tracks:

  • Challenge Track
    PhD and Master’s students collaborate to come up with solutions to specific challenges presented by a participating company working within the health care sector in the broadest sense.
  • Innovative Ideas Track
    Companies are presented with new findings and ideas from PhD students and senior researchers alike, in order to spark collaboration on further development, financing or marketing of specific ideas.

Lots of topics

We welcome cases and ideas with any relation to health in the broadest sense.

Be it directly related areas such as:

  • Drugs
  • Apparatus for treatment/analysis
  • Medical devices and aids for patients and health care personnel
  • New services aimed at patients and health care personnel

Or more indirectly related areas such as:

  • New methods of production, treatment or evaluation
  • Development of new policies
  • New ways of organizing treatments and analysis
  • New methods of collaboration
  • Alternative methods of financing
  • New uses of big data

For further information and registration visit the event website.
Registration deadline: 17 September 2018.