LightRail Seminars

The LightRail Seminar series aims to bridge basic and and clinical inflammation & infection research at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital.

Upcoming LightRail Seminars

Save the date!

Dates for upcoming LightRail Seminars, all held at Aarhus University Hospital:

Topic to be Announced - Host Holger Jon Møller - September 2nd @14.30-17.00, Auditorium J116-113

Topic to be Announced - Hosts Vivi Schlünssen & Thomas Vorup-Jensen - November 6th @ 14.30-17.00, Auditorium J116-113


23rd June 2025 - LightRail Seminar - How understanding molecular drivers of inflammation aids the development of targeted therapeutics for inflammatory diseases (Host: Rune Hartmann)

14 30 Welcome

14 35 Connecting neuronal signaling to gut inflammation in zebrafish? Gilles Vanwalleghem

14 55 Reducing the inflammatory effect of innate immune activation while maintaining antiviral effect, defining the fundamentals. Rune Hartmann

15 05 How STING activate NFkB signaling part one.  Anna Christensen,

15 20 How STING activate NFkB signaling part two.  Aneta Jurkiewicz

15 40 Coffee and networking

16 10 Why does inflammation increase with aging? Tinna Stevnsner

16 30 Diseases caused by Autoimmune Induced Nucleotide Sensing. Bent Deleuran

16 50 Concluding remarks and discussion 

Register here.

15th May 2025 - LightRail Seminar - Tumor immunology and microbial predisposition to cancer (Hosts Trine Mogensen, Holger Brüggemann & Torben Steiniche)


To be announced.


3rd December 2024 - LightRail Seminar - Kidney inflammation: Insights, challenges and therapeutic approaches (Host: Rikke Nørgaard)

  • Inflammation and fibrosis - driver or consequence of progressive kidney disease? - Ina Schiessl, Department of Biomedicine
  • The complement system in diabetic kidney diseases - Jacob Appel Østergaard, Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Department of Clinical Medicine
  • Early inflammation and antimicrobial peptides in the susceptibility for UTI's in renal transplant recipients - Helle Prætorius, Department of Biomedicine
  • Organoids and Organs: Modelling and translating kidney inflammation through large scale data - Markus Rinschen, Department of Biomedicine
  • Large animal models in transplantation and kidney diseases - the final preclinical step? - Anna Keller, Department of Clinical Medicine

10th October 2024 - LightRail Seminar - Measuring Inflammation in Health and Disease (Host: Christian L. Hvas)

  • Inflammation in the healthy: Data from 175,000 healthy blood donors - Bertram Dalskov Kjerulff, Department of Clinical Immunology
  • Measuring systematic inflammation in plasma; Methodological considerations - Betina Elfving & Anne Catrine Daugaard Mikkelsen, Department of Clinical Medicine
  • Synovial organoids to measure anti-inflammatory drug responses - Tue Wenzel Kragstrup, Department of Biomedicine
  • Organ-specific inflammation measured in plasma - the calprotectin case - Anne-Birgitte Garm Blavnsfeldt, Department of Clinical Biochemistry
  • Immunophenotying using spectral flow: results from a melanoma cohort - Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen, Department of Biomedicine

13th May 2024 - LightRail Seminar - Friend or foe: The connection between inflammation and cancer (Host: Torben Steiniche)

Friend or foe: the connection between inflammationa and cancer

  • Torben Steiniche, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, AU
  • Anne Helene Køstner, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, AU
  • Henrik Schmidt, Lund University, Sweden
  • Christian Lodberg Hvas, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, AU
  • Louise Bønnelykke-Behrndtz, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, AU

18th January 2024- LightRail Seminar - Neuroimmunological and infectious diseases in the brain (Host: Trine Mogensen)

Neuroimmunological and infectious diseases in the brain - clinical spectrum and disease mechanisms

  • Marina Romero-Ramos, Dept. of Biomedicine, AU
  • Trine Mogensen, Dept. of Biomedicine, AU / Infectious Diseases, AUH
  • Søren Paludan, Dept. of Biomedicine, AU
  • Christian Brandt, Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde
  • Helle Al-Hakem Falk, Dept. of Neurology, AUH


8th February 2023 - LightRail Seminar - Human Microbiome (Host: Thomas Vorup Jensen)

Human Microbiome

  • Associate Professor, Sebastian Schlafer, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health
  • Mette Hejlby Hansen, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, AU & AUH
  • Holger Brüggemann, Department of Biomedicine, AU
  • Gregers Wegener, Department of Clinical Medicine, AU