Omics focus group

The cross-faculty OMICS focus group will organize bi-monthly meetings with research presentations, workshops on laboratory workflows, data analysis, and data interpretation. In addition, the group envisions to organize (bi) weekly data analysis get-togethers. These initiatives are expected to stimulate collaborative synergies between research groups and integrate the expertise and resources from different faculties to improve the adoption of these powerful techniques in the life sciences and biomedical sciences at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. Although, at the moment, the group discusses approaches related to transcriptomic, in the future an implementation of other techniques on the agenda (metabolomics and proteomics) is foreseen.


Joanna Kalucka, Dept. of Biomedicine and Christian Damsgaard, Dept. of Biology - Zoophysiology.


For any inquiries please contact

Next Meeting

Dear all,

We look forward to hosting the next OMICs focus group meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 9-11, at AIAS (building 1630.301). The meeting will feature two presentations with focus on gene editing: 

Rasmus Bak, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedicine, AU

Targeted transcriptional gene regulation using CRISPR/Cas

Kasper Kjær-Sørensen, Staff Scientist, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, AU

The zebrafish facility at MBG – the fish and the possibilities

The event is free of charge, but we would like to ask you to sign up using this link before Friday, June 7:

Organisers: Joanna Maria Kalucka and Christian Damsgaard
