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Tanja Tvistholm Sikjær from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has received a grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The grant is to be used to gain more knowledge about patients with a deficiency of the parathyroid…
Mogens Johannsen from Aarhus University has received Ingeborg and Leo Dannins Scholarship for Scientific Research for 2014. In addition to the recognition, the award includes DKK 350,000 towards the implementation of new research initiatives in the…
Professor Herman Autrup from Aarhus University has just received the Society of Toxicology Education Award. The award was made for his long-standing contribution to research into toxicology, which is the research into toxins and chemical substances.
Mette Laursen from Aarhus University has received a grant of approx. DKK two million from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The grant will finance a two-year stay at EMBL Hamburg where she will carry out research into combating…
From 21-23 March, Aarhus University is holding a research symposium on the very diverse consequences of whiplash accidents. A number of the world’s leading experts will be participating.
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