Councils, boards and committees

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board at Aarhus University, Health, was established in 2012 and comprises external members with various areas of expertise and interests in the fields of health sciences research, teaching, talent development and knowledge transfer.

The Advisory Board counsels the Dean and the other members of the management team at Health on issues such as the strategy and development of the faculty. In this way, it contributes to ongoing quality assurance of the activities carried out at the faculty.

The Advisory Board meets once every two years.

Members of the Advisory Board:

Navn  Institution
Andrew Bowie  Trinity College Dublin
Anne-Marie Engel LEO Foundation 
Kerstin Ebel  Roche
Dorte Arnbjerg Lundbeck
Janet Metcalfe VITAE
Julia Fox Truvic
Katarina Mårtensson  Lund University
Mads Frederik Rasmussen Novo Nordisk
Mike Curtis  King’s College London
Paul Stewart  University of Leeds
Robert Kronstrand  Linköping University
Ruth Müller TUM
Timme Bisgaard Munk

Employer panels

The employer panels at Aarhus University, Health are made up of representatives from public and private sector companies, organisations and institutions. The members of the individual panels must have experience in and insight into the educational area and the areas of employment to which the respective study programmes provide access.

Appointments to the employer panels are made by the Rector on recommendation from the Dean. The individual members are appointed for two years at a time.

The employer panels meet with boards of studies and other representatives for the faculty 1-2 times a year. The role of the employer panels includes:

  • providing advice on the study programmes at Aarhus University, Health, including their relevance and interaction with society in general, the candidates’ qualifications and admission requirements for the programmes.
  • contributing current knowledge about skills requirements of the labour market, thus providing advice about the development of the study programmes as well as their content and structural planning.
  • putting forward proposals for new education initiatives, with regard to both existing and future degree programmes.
  • developing the working relationship between the individual study programmes and the labour market.
  • taking an overall view of internal and external assessments of the programmes.

Degree programmes with employer panels at Health:

The employer panels at Health have been established in pursuance of Ministerial Order concerning Universities.

Academic Council

The Academic Council's tasks and composition

The Academic Council is to:

  • make statements to the Dean concerning the internal distribution of grants
  • make statements about key strategic issues in the fields of research and education, and concerning plans for knowledge exchange
  • make recommendations to the Rector regarding the composition of academic committees tasked with assessing applicants for academic positions
  • award PhDs and doctoral degrees.

In addition, the Academic Council may make statements about all academic issues of significance to the activities of the university, and has a duty to discuss academic matters presented by the rector for their consideration.

The Academic Council comprises representatives of the academic staff, including employed PhD students and student representatives.
Members of the council are elected by and from the academic staff, the PhD students and the student body.

Read more about the Academic Council at Health

Industrial Cooperation Committee


The industrial cooperation committee at Aarhus University, Health will contribute to society’s value creation, innovation capacity and competitiveness by strengthening collaboration between the faculty, business and industry and the public sector.

The industrial cooperation committee’s tasks

  • To strengthen the faculty's collaboration with business and industry and public institutions, both within the research and education areas.
  • Securing knowledge sharing, co-ordination and implementation of activities within the corporate area across the faculty and in coherence with AU's industrial cooperation committee and committee on education.
  • Developing strategies for agreements with companies.

Members of the industrial cooperation committee

Health Research Forum


The purpose of the Health Research Forum is to promote initiatives across Health and contribute to achieving the Faculty's visions in research, talent development and recruitment.


Forum for Education


The Forum for Education has the task of contributing to the continued safeguarding and development of quality assurance at Health with a view to identifying the need for joint discussions, initiatives and guidelines, including following the work of the boards of studies, among other things in consideration of the legal rights of the students.



The mandate of the Forum of Education (PDF in Danish)

Gender Equality Committee

It is Health's ambition to be a faculty where everyone – students and staff alike – experiences being part of an inclusive work and study environment.

Health Gender Equality Committee will ensure action on initiatives that promote gender equality, diversity and equality in the faculty.

Find out more about the members and activities of the Gender Equality Committee

PhD committee

Please find information about the PhD Committee's members and responsibilities at the Graduate School of Health.

Board of Studies

The tasks of the boards of studies

The boards of studies are composed of equal numbers of representatives from the student body and the academic staff. The boards of studies prepare proposals for curricula, consider exemptions and are, generally speaking, fora for discussions of the content and form of the degree programmes.

The boards of studies are responsible for the following tasks:

  • the day-to-day management of the board of studies’ degree programmes
  • implementation of strategy and action plan from the faculty in the field of education
  • counselling the Dean in connection with academic issues

Finally, it provides a forum for the directors of studies and the heads of department to remain mutually oriented and allows them to work together on development, including the physical surroundings, educational initiatives, etc.

Board of studies

Lists of members are presented under the separate boards of studies (in Danish)