Funds and scholarships at Health

Funds and scholarships at Health

Aarhus University, Health manages a number of funds and scholarships.

Information about application procedures, deadlines, deeds and application forms is displayed under the separate notifications when they are active.

Landmand af ”Ølufgård” Peder Nielsen Kristensens Mindefond

The purpose of the foundation is to provide financial support for medical research at Aarhus University, mainly in the field of blood diseases.

The last application round was in November-December 2024.

When there is news about the upcoming application round, it will be announced on the website, and the announcement will be sent to the heads of department at Health for dissemination in relevant research environments.

Not currently open for applications:

Slagtermester Max Wørzner og Hustru Inger Wørzners Mindelegat til fordel for forskning i kræft
The purpose of this fund is to give out grants for research in cancer diseases and equipment necessary for such research. The most recent round of applications took place in the fall of 2023. Information regarding the next round of applications will be announced on the website, and the call will be sent to the Heads of department at Health for distribution to relevant research environments.

Other funds and scholarships

Applications open only for Medicine students

Open for applications

Closed for applications

  • The memorial fund "Kirsten Anthonius Mindelegat" (The scholarship is being phased out and can no longer be applied for.)
  • The fund "Marie Dorthea og Holger From, Haderslevs Fond" (The scholarship is being phased out and can no longer be applied for.)
  • The scholarship of Frits, Georg and Marie Cecilie Glud (The scholarship is phased out and can no longer be applied for.)
  • The scholarship "Murermester Jacob Johansen og hustru Maren Johansens legat" (The scholarship is phased out and can no longer be applied for.)
  • The Fund for Research into Mental Illnesses (The scholarship is phased out and can no longer be applied for.)