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Within a few days about 150 participants have signed up to hear the newest research results from the interdisciplinary research network DESIGN-EM at the conference "Organizational Design of Emergency Departments" arranged in cooperation with the…
Aarhus University invites researchers from all four main academic areas to engage in six large-scale projects for rethinkIMPACTS 2017: European Capital of Culture Research Framework.
Henrik Schmidt from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has received a personal award of DKK 100,000 from William Nielsen's Foundation. The personal award is given in recognition of his research and work on melanomas.
Jens Sørensen has taken up a part-time position as professor at Aarhus University. He brings his knowledge within the fields of nuclear medicine and positron emission tomography, which he has acquired while working in Sweden for many years. His goal…
A large Danish study shows that pregnant women’s use of antidepressant medication does not increase the risk of having children with autism. In this way the study refutes earlier studies, which had demonstrated a connection.
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