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A new scanning technique developed by Danish and US researchers reveals how susceptible patients with aggressive brain cancer are to the drugs they receive. The research behind the ground-breaking technique has just been published in Nature Medicine.…
For the past couple of years, Denmark's largest municipalities and a number of small cities have teamed up with researchers from Aarhus University on developing the website skolesundhed.dk. Intended to strengthen health initiatives aimed at children,…
A PhD student from Aarhus University has developed a respiratory mask which may change the treatment of epileptic seizures. And its huge potential has recently won the invention the entrepreneurship competition ‘Venture Cup Start-up Competition’.
Researchers from Aarhus University Hospital have developed new method to prevent overtreatment up to 90% of all prostate cancer patients.
New research from Aarhus University can be of decisive importance for the thousands of Danes living with a heart disease. A new understanding of how a widely used compound in heart medicine affects the cells may make it possible to develop a new…
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