I do research in nutritional epidemiology and am interested in mapping the relationships between people's diets and their health. I have researched various dietary patterns and components both in Denmark and in France, and have additionally been voluntarily involved in both the Danish Epidemiological Society and Aarhus University's PhD Association, AUPA, during my enrollment as a PhD student.
In my research, I focus on the health consequences and benefits of consuming diets aiming to reduce the environmental impact of human diets. I also investigate consumer behavior concerning these diets. I work with epidemiological data analyses in Stata and R.
My primary teaching activities relate to biostatistics and epidemiology and the supervision of students within these fields. I aim to make methodological discussions and considerations tangible with examples from real life and to include the knowledge and experiences of my students too. In supervision, I try to engage students in critical thinking and reflections on health-related problems and how they can be elucidated through research.
My collaboration across the Dept. of Public Health and the Dept. of Food Science at Aarhus University, as well as with the Centre de Recherche en Epidémiologie et Statistiques (CRESS) at Sorbonne University, Paris, has expanded my understanding of health and nutritional challenges as well as consumers' attitudes and handling of these. The collaboration with CRESS has allowed me to delve into a large French cohort, where I have focused on plant-based diets and their associated health consequences.
My job responsibilities include: