Thomas Maribo


Professor, PhD

Primary affiliation

Thomas Maribo

Areas of expertise

  • Rehabilitation
  • Functioning
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • ICF

Contact information

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Email address


With a position shared between Aarhus University and the Central Denmark Region, I have collaborated for many years across research, education, and clinical practice in prevention and rehabilitation. My research focuses on biopsychosocial rehabilitation and functioning in public health, with an emphasis on chronic conditions and people in socially vulnerable situations. I am a Professor of Rehabilitation, Research Director at DEFACTUM, and a trained physiotherapist.


I work with applied research in prevention and rehabilitation, with a particular focus on chronic conditions.  

For several years, I have explored ways to reduce social health inequalities and examined the outcomes of prevention and rehabilitation initiatives. My research contributes to ensuring that people in socially vulnerable situations can achieve the same benefits from interventions as others.

Teaching activities

I teach interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral prevention and rehabilitation in the Master’s programme in Health Sciences. In my teaching, I use examples from current studies and patient cases from clinical practice. I combine lectures with practical exercises, group work, and student discussions.  

To support student learning, I incorporate study questions, e-learning, and peer feedback, as feedback is a crucial skill for future healthcare professionals.


I led the work on the Danish White Paper on Rehabilitation (2022). The White Paper presents a Danish definition of rehabilitation and has been approved by authorities, agencies, and user organisations in the health and social sectors.


Based on my research in prevention and rehabilitation, I advise municipalities, regions, and agencies, with a particular focus on how the system interacts with people in socially vulnerable situations.

I am the chair of the research committee in the Danish Society for Public Health and a member of the WHO working group Functioning and Disability Reference Group. Additionally, I am a member of Rehabiliteringsforum Danmark and the board of the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Hospitals.

Job responsibilities

I combine my academic education with my clinical experience as a physiotherapist. My work focuses on clinical practice and research in rehabilitation. In recent years, my clinical work has been centred on cardiac rehabilitation, providing me with valuable experience in interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration, as well as close cooperation with patients and their relatives.

I lead the research programme "Together on Practice-Based Rehabilitation Research" (SPR), a collaboration between Aarhus University, VIA University College, the Central Denmark Region, and the 19 municipalities in the region.

Selected publications

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