Tine Bennedsen Gehrt


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Tine Bennedsen Gehrt CV

Areas of expertise

  • Prehospital EMS
  • Clinical psychology - adults
  • Employee perspectives
  • Patient perspectives
  • The acute healthcare system

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I research patient and employee perspectives in the Prehospital setting, which is a part of the acute healthcare system that provides assessment and treatment before the hospital, such as health-related emergenct calls and ambulances. My research focuses on the Prehospital system and the people within it, such as employees, patients, and relatives. I have experience with interdisciplinary research, quantitative and qualitative methods, and research involving vulnerable participants.

Teaching activities

Supervisor letter: https://cvupload.au.dk/uploads/AU259907/supervisor_letter__tine_gehrt_031024.pdf

Selected publications

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