Tina Thode Hougaard


Associate Professor, Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Tina Thode Hougaard

Areas of expertise

  • Language in digital media
  • Interaction in social media
  • Rhetoric
  • Visual communication
  • Digital health communication

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


My research focus on how we interact with each other in digital media. As a linguist, I am particularly interested in language that differs from classical written language, e.g. visual communication, emojis, memes and hashtags. I have studied greetings in emails, communication in e-consultations and the use of interjections and interactional punctuation. I have written a Tænkepause on emojis (December 2020), and in 2018 the high school book "Language in Social Media" was published.

Teaching activities

In addition to teaching the subjects "Language, Text and Society", "Communication and Communication" and "Project-oriented Course", I am a supervisor of linguistic and rhetorical master's theses and bachelor's projects. Currently, I am also supervising three PhD projects, all of which investigate the role of language in difficult communication situations. I am a member of the national corps of external examiners for Danish.


I am a member of the Board of Representatives of the Danish Language Council.

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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