Pil Birkefeldt Møller Pedersen


Assistant Professor

Primary affiliation

Pil Birkefeldt Møller Pedersen CV

Areas of expertise

  • Nature-based solution Rewilding
  • Nature restoration
  • Nature protection
  • Protected areas
  • Ecological resilience

Contact information

Email address


My research is centered around understanding how to protect and restore biodiverse resilient ecosystems most effectively and how to measure this.

I have led the framework design and analysis on how to measure the effectiveness of protected areas in Denmark and on how uch protected areas there are in Denmark at land and at sea. I am currently doing research in the research center SustainScapes and project lead on a workpackage on the EU interreg project Biodiverse Cities .


Jeg er en del af følgende projektsamarbejder:

EU interreg proejkt "Biodiverse Cities": https://www.interregnorthsea.eu/biodiverse-cities/about-us

Naturmål: https://naturmaal.dk/ 

Briding Biodiversity and Business : Bridging Biology and Business: A Cross-disciplinary collaboration for corporate biodiversity strategy and reporting (au.dk)

Arealanalyser mm. for Biodiversitetsrådet

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