Aarhus student receives UNICEF grant

With a grant of DKK 160,000 from UNICEF, research year student and medical student Mads Mose Jensen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital will improve HIV treatment in Guinea-Bissau in West Africa.

Mads Mose Jensen, medical student and research year student in Aarhus, has signed an agreement with UNICEF for financial support for his project: "Improving the nationwide quality of HIV care in Guinea-Bissau".

The purpose of the project is to implement a national database covering a total of nine HIV clinics in the country. The grant from UNICEF thereby opens the door for a larger data basis than previously. In the long term, it will be an important step on the road toward better treatment of thousands of HIV-infected patients in Guinea-Bissau, which is one of the world's poorest countries.

Mads Mose Jensen is currently visiting Guinea-Bissau together with his co-supervisor Bo Langhoff Hønge and others involved in the project. They are currently in the process of hiring data compilers for the UNICEF project.

Since beginning its work in Guinea-Bissau in 2007, the research group has followed 10,000 patients who are infected with HIV.


Registrar Bo Langhoff Hønge Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and Aarhus University Hospital – Blood Bank and Immunology Mobile: (+45) 2371 8870 Email: bohonge@clin.au.dk