Aarhus University acquires new professor of health policy and organisation

Health policy was on everyone’s lips during the general election campaign, and with a new professorship, Aarhus University’s Faculty of Health is strengthening research in the area. Viola Burau is a new professor in health policy and the organisation of initiatives in the health sector.

Viola Burau will take up her professorship on 1 December 2022. Photo: Simon Byrial Fischel, AU Health. Photo: Simon Byrial Fischel, AU Health.

Viola Burau from the Department of Public Health conducts research into issues such as cohesion in the health service and the significance of health professionals in the implementation of new health initiatives. She focuses in particular on comparing the healthcare systems in the Nordic region with the healthcare systems of other countries. Amongst other things, she examines how our organisation of the health service has a significant influence on public health, and how we can create better contexts for both citizens and healthcare professionals, so that, for example, vulnerable groups can have a single point of access to healthcare services.

The newly-appointed professor’s research is theory-based, qualitative and internationally comparative, and her research projects deal with, amongst other things, inequality in access to health services for people with severe psychiatric disorders and the organisation of contexts in the health services of, for example, Denmark, Canada and New Zealand.

According to Viola Burau, the new professorship anchors approaches and methodologies drawn from social science and the humanities within public health science, which is reflected in the curriculum for the Bachelor and Master’s degree programmes in Public Health Science at the university.


Professor and PhD Viola Burau
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: +45 93 50 84 39
E-mail: viola@ph.au.dk