Aarhus University employs Denmark’s first professor of family-centered nursing

The whole family is affected when a child is born prematurely, or a family member becomes ill, and the new life situation impacts the quality of life of both the individual family member and the family as a unit. Newly-appointed professor Anne Brødsgaard will make it easier for families to cope with hospitalisation and the new everyday situation which follows.

[Translate to English:] Professoratet giver Anne Brødsgaard mulighed for at forene empirisk forskning, metodologiske spørgsmål og teoriudvikling, der kan højne kvaliteten af både undervisning, pleje og behandling. Foto: Jesper Rud Jager, Amager og Hvidovre Hospital.
[Translate to English:] Professoratet giver Anne Brødsgaard mulighed for at forene empirisk forskning, metodologiske spørgsmål og teoriudvikling, der kan højne kvaliteten af både undervisning, pleje og behandling. Foto: Jesper Rud Jager, Amager og Hvidovre Hospital.

Hospitalised children and families, their relations, pathway, experience and lives. This is the focal point for the Department of Public Health’s new professor, who is an expert in family-centered care.

Anne Brødsgaard develops and tests new models for care and treatment that aim to optimise hospitalisation, contact between families and the healthcare personnel, and the transition to the primary care sector. The objective is to reunite the family in their own home as quickly as possible, so that they can return to a new normal everyday life.

But the families which Anne Brødsgaard works to help are not the only ones to benefit from the research carried out by the newly-appointed professor in collaboration with clinical practice. The initiatives also help to free up resources for other children who need care and treatment and their families, and this has a positive impact on public health and on the economy.

Anne Brødsgaard is affiliated with the Department of Public Health and concurrently works in her current position at Amager and Hvidovre Hospital. She took up the professorship on 1 July 2021.


Professor, Nurse & PhD Anne Brødsgaard
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health and
Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Mobile: (+45) 38 62 31 29
Email: abm@ph.au.dk