Aarhus University has a new Doctor of Medical Science in compulsive gambling

PhD and Psychologist Jakob Linnet has been appointed Doctor of Medical Science at the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University. On 13 July, he defended his higher doctoral dissertation on the neurobiological aspects of gambling addiction.

[Translate to English:] Jakob Linnet forsvarede d. 13. juli 2018 sin doktordisputats om spilafhængighed. Foto: Privat


Jakob Linnet conducts research into how the dopamine system is connected to gambling addiction. He is particularly interested in how the body's dopamine mechanisms are connected with the expectation of reward, rather than the actual reward. These dopamine mechanisms, which are associated with the expected reward, may be the reason why people continue to gamble despite losing.

Compulsive gambling is the first recognised behavioural addiction where a person is not dependent on a substance but rather an activity. Jakob Linnet examines whether people with a gambling addiction really become dependent on the body's own dopamine in connection with gambling behaviour, and his research can therefore also be very important for other forms of behavioural addiction including addiction to exercise, sex and the internet.


PhD, Psychologist and DrMedSc Jakob Linnet
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Mobile: (+45) 3133 5352
Email: linnet@cfin.au.dk