Aarhus University has a new Doctor of Medical Science of medical physiology

On 3 August 2018, medical doctor and PhD Ebbe Briggs Bødtkjer from Aarhus University defended his higher doctoral dissertation on how cells handle and adapt to local accumulation of waste products in cancerous tumours and in tissue affected by blood clots.

[Translate to English:] Ebbe Briggs Bødtkjer forsker i cellulære tilpasningsmekanismer og er ny doktor ved Institut for Biomedicin. Foto: Walter F. Boron


Ebbe Briggs Bødtkjer from the Department of Biomedicine conducts research into cellular adjustment mechanisms. He examines the consequences of the accumulation of waste products in the body and the molecular mechanisms that enable cells to function in an environment where they might otherwise find it difficult to survive.

The body's cells produce waste products as a result of their metabolism. The waste products can particularly accumulate locally in the tissue when the blood flow is reduced by blood clots, or when the metabolism is increased – e.g. as happens in cancerous tumours. The response of the cells to the accumulation of waste products plays a crucial role in the development of a range of common diseases.

The new Doctor of Medical Science’s research could in the long term lead to new treatment options, in particular within cancer and circulatory diseases.


DrMedSc, PhD and MD Ebbe Briggs Bødtkjer
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Mobile: (+45) 2487 0240
Email: eb@biomed.au.dk