At least 60,000 Danish patients are offered a genetic test

Over the next three years, more than 60,000 Danish patients will be offered genetic testing at the National Genome Center. The result is a more targeted treatment of the individual.

[Translate to English:] Aarhus Universitet og Aarhus Universitetshospital har været med fra begyndelsen i forberedelserne til Nationalt Genom Center. Foto: Pexels

Medical treatment of the future is precise and targeted at the patients' genetic conditions.

Over the next three years, 60,000 Danish patients will be offered a genomic examination, which can, among other things, ensure more accurate diagnoses and tailor-made treatment.

The first patient group to benefit from the project are children and young people with rare diseases - see the first selected patient groups here. (In Danish)

Rare diseases are one of the many areas where a comprehensive genetic analysis can make a difference. The likelihood of making a diagnosis is improved with the new national system, and healthcare professionals treating rare diseases already have experience working with the complex genetic data, the National Genome Center writes in a press release.

Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital work closely with the National Genome Center's sequencing center, among other things through the supercomputer GenomeDK, which is used to handle the enormous amounts of genetic data generated in the center's work.

"Researchers from Aarhus University and doctors from Aarhus University Hospital have been involved from the beginning in the preparations for the establishment and now operation of the National Genome Center. So it is a great pleasure that there is now real momentum in the rollout of personal medicine with offers of genetically based, targeted treatment for thousands of patients, "says professor at the Department of Biomedicine Anders Børglum.

Read more (In Danish)