Tejs Ehlers Klug will attain the higher doctoral degree in otorhinolaryngology at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital when he defends his dissertation on peritonsillar abscesses (abscesses behind the tonsils).

[Translate to English:] Lektor, Tejs Ehlers Klug. Foto: AU foto.
[Translate to English:] Lektor, Tejs Ehlers Klug. Foto: AU foto.

When a patient goes to his general practitioner with the symptoms of a sore throat, the doctor often tests for streptococcal bacteria. 

Through his research, Tejs Ehlers Klug has discovered that peritonsillar abscesses, which is a complication of a sore throat, is frequently due to a different bacterium – Fusobacterium necrophorum – which is not tested for.

The focal point of his higher doctoral dissertation is infections in the pharynx – from ordinary sore throat to severe inflammations with abscesses. 

"My focus is on microbiological causes and risk factors for developing peritonsillar abscesses. The bacteria Fusobacterium necrophorum is a particular point of interest, as this bacteria appears to play an big role in these pharynx infections," he says. 

The research is aimed at improving the diagnostic and treatment of patients with sore throats and other infections of the pharynx, so that the length of illness can be shortened, absence due to sickness reduced, and patients can avoid life-threatening complications. 

In Denmark, infections of the pharynx are very frequent, and teenagers and young adults in particular can develop severe illnesses with abscesses. 

The defence, entitled “ Peritonsillar abscess: clinical aspects of microbiology, risk factors and the association with parapharyngeal abscess” will take place on 4 November 2016 at 14.00 in lecture theatre 424, Department of Biomedicine, Building 1231, Wilh. Meyers Allé, University Park in Aarhus.


Further information 

Consultant, Clinical Associate Professor Tejs Ehlers Klug
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose and throat)
Direct tel.: +45 7846 3175