AU professor receives the general practitioners prize of honour

Flemming Bro, professor at Aarhus University and general practitioner, has received the general practitioners prize of honour, the Halfdan Mahler Prize. He receives the prize for his work on creating coherence between research and quality improvement.

[Translate to English:] Mahler-prisen er de praktiserende lægers hæderspris til en kollega, som har ydet en særlig indsats for at fremme praksissektorens deltagelse i enten forebyggelse, forskning, uddannelse og kvalitetsudvikling.
[Translate to English:] Mahler-prisen er de praktiserende lægers hæderspris til en kollega, som har ydet en særlig indsats for at fremme praksissektorens deltagelse i enten forebyggelse, forskning, uddannelse og kvalitetsudvikling.

One of his core competences is building bridges between research and change. He has spent the majority of his career working on transforming knowledge into change. This is also the reason why Flemming Bro receives this year’s Mahler Prize and the DKK 35,000 that follows with it.

Flemming Bro learned at the start of his career how difficult it was to get research to lead to real change in real world practices. He spent a number of years working for the WHO, with one of his tasks being transforming a clinical guideline for acute respiratory infection in children below the age of five into tangible changes, because the infections were one of the major causes of death in many developing countries.

Later in his career he has been employed to visit general practitioners on behalf of the Central Denmark Region with specific messages about e.g. improving the renewal of prescriptions or screening for cervical cancer.


Professor Flemming Bro
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health, Research Unit for General Medical Practice
(+45) 6167 0071