Babies who survive Group B streptococcal disease more likely to require special educational support in adolescence

Largest study of its kind shows infected babies face greater risk of neurodevelopmental impairments and underlines need for follow-up care for survivors.

[Translate to English:] Cirka 300.000 nyfødte over hele verden rammes årligt af GBS-infektion. Ifølge Erzsébet Horváth-Puhó, som er en af forskerne bag, har der manglet viden om de langsigtede konsekvenser for børn, der overlever sygdommen.
[Translate to English:] Cirka 300.000 nyfødte over hele verden rammes årligt af GBS-infektion. Ifølge Erzsébet Horváth-Puhó, som er en af forskerne bag, har der manglet viden om de langsigtede konsekvenser for børn, der overlever sygdommen.

Invasive Group B Streptococcus (GBS) disease, notably meningitis, during the first days and months of a baby’s life can have a persistent effect for children and their families, and new results show longer term effects including after GBS sepsis, as published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

This large study analysed outcomes for nearly 25,000 children born in Denmark and The Netherlands, between 1997 and 2017. Results show that children who had invasive GBS infection are twice as likely to have neurodevelopmental impairments (NDI) and to require special educational support than children who did not have GBS disease.  Effects later in life are significant - about one in 20 survivors will experience some form of neurodevelopmental disability. The authors note that the majority of GBS infection survivors will not have long term effects.

This study was conducted through a partnership of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Aarhus University (Denmark), Amsterdam UMC (Netherlands) and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.

Invasive GBS infection is increasingly recognised as a  leading cause of newborn illness worldwide, with ~300,000 cases estimated annually. However,  important knowledge gaps have been highlighted especially regarding the long-term outcomes of patients who survive the acute disease during this critical period of life. Several previous small studies have followed babies after GBS meningitis to a median age of about two2 years.  No previous study has examined outcomes after GBS sepsis. This study aimed to address priority data gaps.

Dr. Bronner Gonçalves, from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and a lead author on the study said:

“This is the largest study quantifying long term effects of GBS infection for babies who survive, with follow-up to the second decade. We add to  findings on long-term effects after meningitis, showing more subtle cognitive outcomes at older ages. These nNew findings show an important, previously unquantified risk after GBS sepsis. Our results suggest that continued medical follow-up is key and could lead to earlier identification of problems, and more support to families.”

Children in the study were identified using national medical, laboratory and administrative  databases. 2,258 were diagnosed as having had GBS infection, including meningitis and sepsis, within the first three months of life.  For every GBS case, ten children who did not have the infection were matched on age, sex and other characteristics influencing long-term outcomes.

Children were followed up for an average of fourteen years in Denmark and nine years in the Netherlands, to analyse risks of death and of NDI (eg motor, cognitive, and socio- behavioural, and special educational needs). The findings are striking, reinforcing the severity of this condition with a high mortality risk for babies dying from invasive GBS disease. Compellingly, there are also serious consequences for some of the children who survive. 

In Denmark, history of GBS infection in the first three months of life was associated with 1.8-fold increase in risk of NDI: 45 of the 969 children who survived the acute phase of the disease had moderate or severe NDI, such as motor impairment, by the age of 10. The risk was even higher in the Netherlands, where 36 of the 252 children with a history of invasive GBS disease needed special educational support by age 10, a more than two fold risk.

Dr. Erzsébet Horváth-Puhó, an associate professor at Aarhus University, Denmark, a lead author said:

“Our study suggests that babies who recover from invasive GBS disease have increased risks of cognitive, motor, and behavioral impairments, which can impact their lives and their families. The long term effects on children was also evidenced by higher rates of hospitalisation for those who survived this infection. In Denmark, a nearly two-fold increase in outpatient visits was observed and a 1.3 fold increase in hospital admissions compared to children who did not develop GBS disease.”

Currently, the only available GBS disease prevention strategy is to provide antibiotic prophylaxis to women in labour whose baby is at increased risk of developing GBS disease. However this strategy is not sufficient even in these two European countries and currently not adopted in settings with limited resources. 

Dr. Merijn Bijlsma, a paediatrician at Amsterdam University and a leading author stated:

"Even with the best medical care, such asis available for Dutch and Danish babies, survivors of GBS meningitis and also sepsis may be affected for life. The best way to protect these children is prevention of invasive GBS disease. We need better ways to identify at birth who is at risk, so prevention including with intrapartum antibiotics becomes more effective.”

 Professor Joy Lawn, of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, senior author and PI said: 

“Every year hundreds of thousands of babies have GBS sepsis or meningitis, with a high mortality risk. Families in all continents are affected. Our study shows that GBS also affects educational potential for survivors. The global burden of disease is more than has previously been estimated, underlining the urgent need for prevention. Despite 30 years of research, maternal GBS vaccines currently are not yet available - a contrast to >100 COVID-19 vaccines in process within one year. We can and must deliver more for families affected by GBS all over the world.” 

The authors acknowledge study limitations including differences in the identification of children with GBS infection cases selection between the two countries. Importantly, these results from Denmark and the Netherlands reflect two high income European countries, and results in low and middle income countries may differ, hence data are needed from these contexts. Further research is needed as to why different children are affected differently. We know preterm birth is an important linked risk factor and more studies are needed to explore this association.

Background for the results

  • This study was conducted through a partnership of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Aarhus University (Denmark), Amsterdam UMC (Netherlands) and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
  • This study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to address a key global data gap regarding GBS, and contribute vital information for the World Health Organization’s Report on GBS prevention, linked to the new Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis. The Dutch team was also supported by the Stichting Remmert Adriaan Laan Fonds. 
  • The scientific article is published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health


Erzsébet Horváth-Puhó
Aarhus University,  Department of Clinical Medicine
Tlf.: 87 16 72 12