Cardiologist appointed clinical professor

Henrik Wiggers has been appointed clinical professor of heart failure at Aarhus University. He will carry out research into the treatment of heart failure and the physiological changes that result from the disease.

[Translate to English:] Cirka 100.000 danskere er ramt af hjertesvigt. Og på trods af fremskridt i behandlingen er dødeligheden fortsat høj, patienterne bliver ofte indlagt på sygehus, og livskvaliteten er dårlig. Henrik Wiggers skal som klinisk professor stå i spidsen for
[Translate to English:] Cirka 100.000 danskere er ramt af hjertesvigt. Og på trods af fremskridt i behandlingen er dødeligheden fortsat høj, patienterne bliver ofte indlagt på sygehus, og livskvaliteten er dårlig. Henrik Wiggers skal som klinisk professor stå i spidsen for fire forskningsprojekter om hjertesvigt. Foto: Tonny Foghmar, Aarhus Universitetshospital

As clinical professor, Henrik Wiggers will head four research projects looking into heart failure. He will continue his work as head of the nationwide DANHEART study, in which 1,500 patients with heart failure are testing two new treatments. Researchers will, among other things, study preventative treatment in the early initial stages of diabetes in patients suffering from heart failure. 

In addition to this, he will also continue to process results from his research group. They have conducted the world’s first study on using ketones to treat patients with heart failure. 

In collaboration with the MR Research Centre, Henrik Wiggers will also continue with a range of cardiological studies. These are being carried out using a new technology that can produce a ‘fingerprint’ of the metabolism in the heart and thereby improve our understanding of the disease processes in the failing heart. 

The final research project studies the medical treatment of patients with constricted heart valve with the aim of examining whether treatment to lower blood pressure can avert the need for the patients to undergo heart operations.

Clinical Professor Henrik Wiggers 
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Cardiology
Mobile: (+45) 2275 3202