Danish cardiologist honoured with international research award

Morten Schmidt, who is a researcher at Aarhus University, has received an international award in the form of the BCPT Young Researcher Nordic Prize. The award recognises his research into the cardiovascular risks of different types of medicine.

[Translate to English:] Morten Schmidt modtager BCPT Young Researcher Nordic Prize 2021. Med prisen følger 7500 € til forskning. Foto: Simon Byrial Fischel, AU Health

Which types of medicine can damage your heart? This is the focal point of Morten Schmidt's research at the Department of Clinical Medicine. He has e.g. discovered some unfortunate cardiovascular side effects of a particular type of painkiller, which because of his findings is no longer available over the counter in a number of countries. On the basis of his research over the past decade, Morten Schmidt receives the BCPT Young Researcher Nordic Prize 2021. The prize is given to a younger research talent in the Nordic region who has achieved significant results within basic or clinical pharmacology.

According to the assessment committee, Morten Schmidt was chosen because his research is of the highest international standard and has had a significant clinical and public health effect. His research has contributed to both Danish and European guidelines for the use of medicinal products. Morten Schmidt, who is also a medical doctor at Aarhus University Hospital's Department of Cardiology, is very grateful for the international award, which he believes will provide added motivation for the entire research group that he heads.


Associate Professor, MD & PhD Morten Schmidt
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine,
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Department of Cardiology
Mobile: (+45) 4128 9955
Email: morten.schmidt@clin.au.dk