Dementia researcher receives DKK ten million

Leif Østergaard from Aarhus University Hospital receives a grant from the Velux Foundation. It will be used to test a new theory about the causes of brain aging and dementia.

[Translate to English:] Leif Østergaard står bag Aarhus Research Center for Brain Aging and Dementia, som skal efterprøve en ny teori om årsagerne til alderssvækkelse og demens.
[Translate to English:] Leif Østergaard står bag Aarhus Research Center for Brain Aging and Dementia, som skal efterprøve en ny teori om årsagerne til alderssvækkelse og demens.

Research into aging and dementia at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has once again been prioritised by the VELUX Foundation. The Aarhus Research Centre for Brain Aging and Dementia, which Leif Østergaard is behind, will test a new theory about the causes of brain-again and dementia. At the same time, the project will develop and test methods which are sensitive to microscopic disease changes in the brain that cannot be revealed with existing research methods.

The centre's researchers have previously discovered an unexpected limitation in the brain's ability to obtain sufficient amounts of oxygen from the bloodstream – known as capillary dysfunction. With the grant, researchers from a range of disciplines will be able to develop advanced scanning methods and data models that will in turn make it possible to measure capillary dysfunction and its significance for brain function.


Professor Leif Østergaard
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and 
Aarhus University Hospital, Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, (CFIN)
(+45) 7846 4091