Edith Nielsen is Lecturer of the Year at Medicine

A vivid communicator, someone who is really good at making difficult material comprehensible, and she has a good sense of humour. These are just some of the comments that the medical students have used to describe clinical associate professor and head of degree programme Edith Nielsen—the new ‘Lecturer of the Year’ at medicine.

[Translate to English:] Edith Nielsen fra IKM er de medicinstuderendes yndlingsunderviser. Foto: Karen Villumsen, AUH.
[Translate to English:] Edith Nielsen fra IKM er de medicinstuderendes yndlingsunderviser. Foto: Karen Villumsen, AUH.

The medical students have chosen Edith Nielsen from the Department of Clinical Medicine as their Lecturer of the Year for semester teaching in 2018.

“My success as a lecturer is likely due to a combination of factors. But I’m passionate about my subject and I don’t think the students doubt that,” says Edith Nielsen.

Teaching future medical doctors is a big responsibility

“Receiving an award for your efforts is always a great joy. But this award really does mean a lot to me. I really enjoy teaching and I think that education is an important task. We have a great responsibility for giving the medical doctors of the future the competences and the knowledge that the patients need,” she says.

“It makes me really happy and proud to see that the medical students appreciate my approach to teaching as much as they do. I teach one of the small subjects, neuroradiology, which the students only meet in a few lessons and that makes those lessons even more important. So I’m just really pleased that they are apparently worth coming to.”

The students choose Aarhus University’s Lecturer of the Year at Medicine by a ballot. The award is presented at the medical students’ annual academic day.


Clinical Associate Professor, Head of Degree Programme & Consultant Edith Nielsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Radiology
Email: edith.nielsen@aarhus.rm.dk