Elite Research Travel Grant strengthens research in autoimmune diseases

Ph.D. student Mads Christian Lamm Larsen from the Department of Biomedicine has been awarded an Elite Research Travel Grant of DKK 200,000. The grant will fund a research stay at Lund University and Skåne University Hospital, where he will collaborate with leading experts in platelet research.

Mads Christian Lamm Larsen investigates how the immune system, blood vessels, and platelets interact, hoping to contribute to new preventive treatments for blood clots in people with autoimmune diseases such as Lupus.
Mads Christian Lamm Larsen investigates how the immune system, blood vessels, and platelets interact, hoping to contribute to new preventive treatments for blood clots in people with autoimmune diseases such as Lupus. Photo: Private.

Mads Christian Lamm Larsen conducts research in immunology and rheumatology, with his Ph.D. project focusing on the increased risk of blood clots in patients with the autoimmune disease Lupus.

"We know that patients with Lupus have a significantly increased risk of blood clots, but we lack a detailed understanding of what goes wrong in the interplay between molecular mechanisms - especially the immune system and platelets. During my research stay in Malmö, I will gain access to advanced methods and expertise that can help us solve this puzzle," says Mads Christian Lamm Larsen.

At Lund University and Skåne University Hospital, he will collaborate with international experts to examine surface molecules on platelets and their role in blood clot formation.

"This means an incredible amount for my project and my future research to work with some of the leading experts in the field. At the same time, it is a unique opportunity to bring new knowledge back to Denmark and strengthen our research in autoimmune diseases," he says.

Mads Christian Lamm Larsen is one of 17 Ph.D. students who have been awarded the Elite Research Travel Grant this year by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.


Ph.D. student and M.D. Mads Christian Lamm Larsen
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Rheumatology
Email: madslr@biomed.au.dk