Engineer receives million kroner grant towards better diagnostic imaging

In a new research project at Aarhus University, PhD Michael Væggemose is developing diagnostic imaging that will enable more precise diagnosis of patients with e.g. strokes, heart attack and kidney failure. The Innovation Fund Denmark supports the project, which is being carried out in collaboration with GE Healthcare and the Alexandra Institute.

[Translate to English:] Innovationsfonden støtter Michael Væggemoses forskningsprojekt, som gennemføres i tæt samarbejde med partnere i erhvervslivet, med godt 1,2 mio. kr. Foto: Privatfoto.
[Translate to English:] Innovationsfonden støtter Michael Væggemoses forskningsprojekt, som gennemføres i tæt samarbejde med partnere i erhvervslivet, med godt 1,2 mio. kr. Foto: Privatfoto.

Michael Væggemose conducts research into how hyperpolarised MRI scans can be used as a clinical tool for making faster and better diagnosis. His objective is to develop the next generation of so-called metabolic imaging – an alternative to the conventional PET scans using radioactive tracers which are currently the gold standard in molecular imaging.

In the new research project, Michael Væggemose and his research colleagues combine the world's first MRI scanner for full-body metabolic imaging with artificial intelligence. The combination makes it possible to produce images with a significantly better resolution, and the researchers are e.g. able to visualise what happens in the body when it converts sugar into energy in the cells. The new type of imaging has the potential to improve the diagnosis of a number of serious diseases.

Michael Væggemose is a trained electrical engineer, has a Master's degree in biomedical technology and a PhD in the development of advanced MRI methods. He receives a grant of DKK 1,242,000 from the Innovation Fund Denmark for his industrial postdoc project, which is a collaboration between the MR Research Centre, Aarhus University, and GE Healthcare, Denmark.


Industrial postdoc and PhD Michael Væggemose
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, The MR Research Centre
Mobile: (+45) 20 68 50 41