First class of students completes ambitious honours programme

The first twelve students have just completed Health's Research Honours Programme. Over the past two years, they have followed a number of interdisciplinary workshops, conceived, and carried out their own research project – all in addition to their ordinary studies.

[Translate to English:] Bagerst fra venstre: Helene Honoré, Jon Herskind, Peter Eggertsen, Mathias Kaas Ollendorff, Troels Eliasen, Uwe Pommerich. Forrest fra venstre: Esben Merrild, Trine Hald Thøgersen, Simone Hyldgaard Andersen, Nanna Maria Uldall Torp. Fraværende: Jelena Stankovic, Mikkel Skotting.

For most people, a Master's degree programme in e.g. medicine, sport science or clinical nursing is more than enough in itself – but some students still have an appetite for more. This is true of the twelve Health students who can now say they were the very first to complete the Research Honours Programme. In the autumn of 2017, they began the programme, which over the course of four semesters has introduced them to the world of research and taught participants how to plan and carry out a research project.

"The two years on the honours programme has given me an insight into how research environments function, how to start a project and who to get in touch with to get things off the ground. Things I had no idea about before I joined the honours programme," says medical student Peter Eggertsen. "I’ve also seen the importance of having a strong academic network and of taking part in conferences, where you can spar with other people in your field and get new ideas."

Graduation with special distinction
"You are the first group to graduate from the faculty with distinction, which clearly signals that you are dedicated and willing to make an extra effort. Therefore, we are also convinced that you’ll be excellent ambassadors for the faculty in your future careers," said Vice-dean for Talent Development Lise Wogensen Bach in her opening speech at the event to celebrate the completion of the honours programme, which took place in the Richard Mortensen Stuen at Aarhus University on 10 April.

To document that they have completed the extracurricular honours programme, the students will receive a special graduation with distinction on their exam certificates once they have completed their Master’s degree programme. For one of the participants, this was actually a crucial factor in applying in the first place.

"I’d done quite a lot of research in addition to my clinical work even before I applied to the Master's degree programme. But I lacked a way of documenting the skills I’ve learned to make it clear that I have research experience," says Helene Honoré, who has built on her occupational therapy education with first a Healthcare Master’s degree programme and subsequently the Integrated PhD which she is currently doing.

"The honours programme has also helped me in affirming that I can write academic articles and manage and carry out a research project from start to finish," she adds.

Relevant whether or not you are going into research
Only time can tell whether the twelve graduates from the honours programme will pursue a research career. But according to Peter Eggertsen, the Research Honours Programme is a valuable investment in one’s own development regardless of which path you choose.

"The programme has not only given me insight into how to realise a good idea for a research study. It has also equipped me to better understand and adopt a critical approach to all the new research that is continually being done in all areas of the health sciences. And that’s important regardless of whether you’re going to carry out research or practice medicine,” he explains.

Read about the honours programme on the Graduate School of Health’s website

Research Programme Coordinator Anja P. Einholm
Department of Clinical Medicine
Direct tel.:
(+45) 9350 8408