Grant: Does nitrate in drinking water lead to childhood leukaemia?

Professor Torben Sigsgaard from Aarhus University receives DKK 1.5 million from Karen Elise Jensen's Foundation towards his research into a possible correlation between the nitrate content of our drinking water and the risk of Danish children contracting leukaemia.

[Translate to English:] Professor Torben Sigsgaard kan med midler fra Karen Elise Jensens Fond gennemføre vigtigt studie af årsager til leukæmi hos børn. Foto: Greg MCQueen.
[Translate to English:] Professor Torben Sigsgaard kan med midler fra Karen Elise Jensens Fond gennemføre vigtigt studie af årsager til leukæmi hos børn. Foto: Greg MCQueen.

Nitrate is the most common contaminant in drinking water all over the world, but its impact on human health remains unknown.

With the grant from Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation, Torben Sigsgaard and his fellow researchers will carry out a study to investigate whether there is a correlation between a high content of nitrates in drinking water and the development of leukaemia in children in Denmark. 

Torben Sigsgaard is an environmental and occupational physician specialising in the health effects of environmental impacts. He conducts research into how the environment affects people's health in relation to various diseases and health challenges.


Professor, MD, PhD Torben Sigsgaard
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: (+45) 2899 2426