Grant towards better treatment of patients with multimorbidity in general practice

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 1.6 million towards research into the effective treatment of patients with complex medical histories. The recipient is medical doctor and postdoc Anders Prior from the Department of Public Health.

[Translate to English:] Anders Prior fra Institut for Folkesundhed får 1,6 mio. kr. til sin forskning i effektiv behandling af multisyge patienter i almen praksis. Foto: AU.

Anders Prior will use the four-year research scholarship to examine whether effective treatment in general practice can improve the prognosis for patients with complex medical histories and many disorders.

The goal is to develop a model that can predict which patients are at greatest risk of being admitted to hospital or dying. This will be done by utilising information about their physical and mental health, treatments, lifestyle and socio-economic factors from the Danish health registers and from questionnaire surveys.

Patients suffering from multimorbidity often experience their treatment as fragmented. The research project will therefore also examine the consumption of healthcare services in the primary and secondary sector in order to be able to characterise the fragmentation of treatment and assess various treatment strategies in the primary sector.


MD and postdoc Anders Prior
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health - Research Unit for General Practice
Tel.: (+45) 8716 7948