Hans Erik Bøtker receives prize of honour for cardiac research

The Danish Society of Cardiology’s Prize of Honour 2020 is awarded to Hans Erik Bøtker, vice-dean for research at Aarhus University, Health. He receives the prize for his extensive research activity, which has helped improve the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease, and for his scientific initiatives on behalf of the society.

[Translate to English:] Hans Erik Bøtker får Dansk Cardiologisk Selskabs Hæderspris 2020. Foto: Lars Kruse, AU Foto.
[Translate to English:] Hans Erik Bøtker får Dansk Cardiologisk Selskabs Hæderspris 2020. Foto: Lars Kruse, AU Foto.

Cardiologist Hans Erik Bøtker has made a special contribution to cardiology in Denmark and to Danish patients with cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, and he has also contributed to strengthening scientific development in the Danish Society of Cardiology. These were some of the reasons highlighted during the presentation of the award to Hans Erik Bøtker at the society’s virtual autumn meeting on 22 October this year.

Hans Erik Bøtker took up the position of vice-dean in August 2020 and comes from a position as professor, department chair in cardiology at the Department of Clinical Medicine, also at Health. He has primarily carried out research into ischemic heart disease – a research field in which he has secured more than DKK 98 million in external funding. Hans Erik Bøtker has also published more than 500 scientific articles in recognised international medical journals, and acted as supervisor for 42 PhD students and 26 research year students, as well as advising on four higher doctoral degrees.

In the Danish Society of Cardiology, Hans Erik Bøtker has been a member of the board on two separate occasions, and served as secretary and chair respectively, while he has also participated in a number of working groups and helped with the drawing up of national treatment guidelines and Master's thesis descriptions for the Danish Health Authority.

The prize includes a personal award of DKK 25,000.


Vice-dean for Research, Professor & DMSc Hans Erik Bøtker
Aarhus University, Health
Mobile: (+45) 40 29 33 89
Email: boetker@au.dk