Health researcher receives millions from Beat Cancer

The Danish Cancer Society is donating DKK 20 million from Denmark’s Beat Cancer 2018 appeal to the establishment of the Danish Cancer Society National Center for Optimal Outcomes for All – COMPAS. Clinical Associate Professor and Consultant Jan Maxwell Nørgaard from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is part of the management of the new research centre.

[Translate to English:] Jan Maxwell Nørgaard kan med bevillingen fra Kræftens Bekæmpelse intensivere sit fokus på social lighed i leukæmibehandling. Foto: Michael Harder/AUH.

An increasing number of people survive cancer, but socially vulnerable patients have not benefited in the same way from the positive developments within e.g. early diagnosis and treatment. This is a statistic that Jan Maxwell Nørgaard from the Department of Clinical Medicine intends to help change with a major research project that aims to reduce social inequality in cancer treatment.

Jan Maxwell Nørgaard conducts research into leukaemia and related blood disorders. He studies factors including the causes of leukaemia, how the disease can be prevented and the best treatment options.

In this specific project, Jan Maxwell Nørgaard’s focus is on social equality in the use of therapeutic leukaemia treatment in Denmark, including the use of stem cell transplantations. For this project he is receiving approx. three out of the twenty million Danish kroner to establish two (and possibly three) PhDs and postdocs.

Danish Cancer Society National Center for Optimal Outcomes for All - COMPAS is headed by Medical Doctor and Senior Researcher Susanne Dalton from the Danish Cancer Society. The management of the centre will be physically based in the Region Zealand, while the research will take place at different locations around Denmark.


Clinical Associate Professor, Consultant, DMSc Jan Maxwell Nørgaard
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Haematology
Mobile: (+45) 2511 9596