Kenneth J. Rothman is a new honorary doctor at Health

Professor Kenneth J. Rothman was named as an honorary doctor at Aarhus University's annual celebration on Friday 15 September 2017.

[Translate to English:] Professor Kenneth J. Rothman. Foto: Boston University.

Kenneth J. Rothman is professor at Boston University School of Public Health, and now also an honorary doctor at Aarhus University, where he is affiliated with the Faculty of Health. Among the grounds for the honorary doctorate are his position as one of the founders of modern theoretical epidemiology and his development of the theoretical and mathematical basis for the concept of biological interaction.

The newly appointed honorary doctor’s theoretical advances have been of great significance partly in the development of epidemiological analyses of numerous simultaneous risk factors – and partly in the understanding between causality and preventive medicine.

Kenneth J. Rothman has had a close collaboration with Aarhus University since 1992.

Read more about the four new honorary doctors and see video interviews on Aarhus University's website