Leading researchers in the field of lymphoma meeting in Aarhus

Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital are hosting the first conference on tumour microenvironment, taking place in Aarhus on 19-20 May 2016. Researchers from all over the world will meet to share and discuss their knowledge and experiences, particularly in the field of lymphoma.

[Translate to English:] Førende forskere i lymfekræft sætter hinanden stævne ved ny konference i Aarhus.
[Translate to English:] Førende forskere i lymfekræft sætter hinanden stævne ved ny konference i Aarhus.

Some of the world's leading researchers in the field of tumour microenvironment are meeting this week in Aarhus. The conference takes place on 19-20 May 2016 at the Concert Hall Aarhus.

Ambitious organisers

When the conference opens, a panel of twenty elite researchers within the field of tumour microenvironment will present the latest advances and proposals for meeting current challenges. The programme also includes general key note lectures and four specialised sessions focusing on specific subtypes of lymphoma.

"Our ambition is to create a Nordic forum with specialists from all over the world and to give them the opportunity to discuss the latest research and to start new collaborations within a rapidly growing research field," says Professor Francesco d'Amore from Aarhus University, which is hosting the conference ‘1st Nordic Meeting on Tumor Microenvironment in Lymphoma’.

Important for the academic environment

He goes on to say that the conference is significant for Danish haematology and for the academic environment in Aarhus.

"The conference helps to position Aarhus University internationally and around the world. Haematologists, pathologists, oncologists and other professional groups are coming to visit us from different countries in Europe and North and South America. For example, my co-host at the conference is actually from Vancouver in Canada," says Francesco d'Amore.

The conference will feature particular focus on biology, molecular pathology, immunology, and therapy in relation to the tumour microenvironment and the characteristics of different types of lymphomas.

Puts Aarhus on the international map

"A conference like this helps to promote Aarhus in a broader perspective. It can help younger researchers from Aarhus with unique network relations, and the event can perhaps even inspire international researchers to settle in Aarhus for a shorter or longer period of time and thereby promote Aarhus University and the city as an international knowledge hotspot," says Convention Manager Allan Tambo Christiansen from VisitAarhus.

He also says that the conference is an example of the strategic partnership that was recently established between Aarhus University – Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus Municipality and VisitAarhus. The purpose of the partnership is to promote Aarhus as an internationally attractive meeting place for academic knowledge sharing.

If you want to find out more about the conference, you can visit the conference website. Here you will find information about the programme (both professional and social), the panellists and the organisers.

You can read more about the partnership between Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus Municipality and VisitAarhus at the Visit Aarhus website.

Further information

Clinical Professor Francesco Annibale d'Amore
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Haematology
Direct tel.: (+45) 7846 7567