Major grant goes to AU research into the human cerebral cortex’s cells

Oxford University in collaboration with Professor Marco Capogna from The Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, receives EUR 2.5 million from the European Research Council (ERC). The grant will support a research project to investigate the human cerebral cortex.

[Translate to English:] Marco Capogna og forskere fra Oxford Universitet modtager sammen 2,5 mio. euro fra ERC. Foto:Privat

Even though the cerebral cortex is one of the most important areas of the human brain, we still know very little about its organization on a cellular level. The grant will support research projects that employ different methods to study the cerebral cortex’s cells. The expectation is that the research will lead to both more fundamental knowledge and new treatment strategies for psychiatric and neurological disorders.

The research grant from ERC is made in the form of a five-year grant from December 1rst 2016. The research and the financial support is shared between The Department of Pharmacology at Oxford University, led by Peter Somogyi (EUR 1.8 million), and The Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, led by Marco Capogna (EUR 700,000).


Professor Marco Capogna
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Direct tel.: (+45) 8716 8407