Major grant towards training of the innovation managers of tomorrow

With a grant of DKK 81.6 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, a new five-year project will provide continuing education for experienced researchers, healthcare professionals and professional specialists so they can become the healthcare innovators of the future.

[Translate to English:] Et nyt femårigt samarbejdsprojekt skal efteruddanne 64 talenter fra hele landet til at blive specialister i sundhedsinnovation. Foto: INNO-X
[Translate to English:] Sys Zoffmann Glud leder det nye projekt, som er mulliggjort af en kæmpebevilling på 81,6 mio. kr. fra Novo Nordisk Fonden. Foto: INNO-X

The BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme is the name of the new talent and continuing education programme that aims to put Denmark on the global map in the field of knowledge-based start-ups in the healthcare sector.

Over the next five years, 64 highly educated talented people from a wide variety of professions will undertake a programme that will prepare them for working with healthcare innovation across industries, fields of study and sectors. The target groups are primarily researchers, business people, engineers and medical doctors who have the curiosity and courage to grapple with new interdisciplinary collaborations.

INNO-X Healthcare, Aarhus University has taken the initiative takers for the ambitious programme which is a collaboration between the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen as well as all five Danish regions. The regions take turns making hospitals available so that participants in the programme have the opportunity to make observations, identify needs in everyday practice and develop relevant solutions.


PhD Sys Zoffmann Glud
Project Manager, INNO-X Healthcare
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Mobile: (+45) 2459 2667