Meet the Lundbeck Foundation at Health
On 15 December 2021, all researchers at Health with an interest in funding applications are invited to an information meeting hosted by the Lundbeck Foundation. At the meeting the foundation will discuss its current financing strategy as well as application processes and programmes, and time will be set aside for questions from the participants. NB. Due to COVID, the meeting will only be accessible online via Zoom. See below for link.
If you would like to know more about what it takes for your funding application to be successful with the Lundbeck Foundation, you will have the opportunity when the foundation invites all researchers at health for an information meeting. The meeting will be held on 15 December, and all interested Health researchers will be able to ask questions about the foundation's policies and criteria for applications.
The Lundbeck Foundation will also present two new initiatives at the meeting: The Lundbeck Foundation Clinical Postdocs and The Lundbeck Foundation investigator Network (LFIN).
The information meeting, which will be held on 15 December 2021 at 14:00 – 15:00 in the AIAS Lecture Theatre at Høgh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, is relevant for both junior and senior researchers – from postdocs to professors.
Grants half a billion Danish kroner annually
Each year, the Lundbeck Foundation awards DKK 500 million to Danish research, primarily within biomedical research and health research with a special focus on brain research. You can see current and coming funding areas on the foundation's website.
Time and venue
- 15 December 2021
- 14:00 – 15:00
- To participate via Zoom:
For further information, please contact
Aisha Rafique
AU Research Support and External Relations
Tel.: (+45) 2942 5854