New clinical professor focuses on women’s quality of life
Pinar Bor is a clinical professor of gynecology at the Department of Clinical Medicine, where she conducts research aimed at improving the quality of life for women suffering from prolapse and urinary incontinence - conditions that often arise after childbirth and can have long-term consequences.

Earlier this year, Pinar Bor assumed the role of clinical professor of gynecology at the Department of Clinical Medicine. One of her key research interests is the development of innovative and more effective treatment strategies that can assist women early in the course of their illness and significantly enhance their quality of life.
“My goal is to involve as many patients as possible in research and to create more individualized and innovative treatment pathways in urogynecology. This will not only improve the quality of life for individual patients but also yield socioeconomic benefits,” explains Pinar Bor.
Pinar Bor has experience with multicenter randomized studies. Among the current projects she is involved in is VAGLASER, which investigates the effect of vaginal laser treatment on symptoms caused by the thinning of the vaginal mucosa in menopausal women.
Additionally, she is working on implementing artificial intelligence in gynecology and is participating in a multicenter project at five different hospitals to investigate whether prolapse surgeries can be performed solely under local anesthesia without anesthetic assistance.
Her professorship provides Pinar Bor with the opportunity to strengthen international collaborations and establish larger multicenter studies that can help address some of the urogynecological challenges affecting thousands of women.
Clinical Professor and Specialist Physician Pinar Bor
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Women’s Diseases