New Doctor of Medical Science specialising in the body's salt and fluid balance

Yasser Ahmed Mahmoud defends his doctoral dissertation from the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University.

[Translate to English:] Yasser Mahmoud forsvarer sin doktorafhandling fra Institut for Biomedicin. Foto. Maria Radima


Yasser Ahmed Mahmoud conducts research into how enzymes in the cell membrane are responsible for regulating the salt and fluid balance in the body. The coming Doctor of Medical Science’s research can help to explain several different physiological processes such as the body's heat regulation and active transport of sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane. It therefore contributes to the biomedical basic research.

Yasser Ahmed Mahmoud graduated from Cairo University and has a PhD degree from Aarhus University (2001). Yasser Ahmed Mahmoud defends his higher doctoral dissertation on 28 April 2017.


DMSc Yasser Ahmed Mahmoud