New professor carries out research into biological dust

Medical specialist and PhD Vivi Schlünssen is newly appointed professor of occupational and environmental medicine epidemiology at Aarhus University. She carries out research into how and why the environment affects human health and disease – for example in relation to lung diseases and allergies.

[Translate to English:] Vivi Schlünssen er ny professor på Institut for Folkesundhed ved Aarhus Universitet. Foto: Lars Kruse/AU.
[Translate to English:] Vivi Schlünssen er ny professor på Institut for Folkesundhed ved Aarhus Universitet. Foto: Lars Kruse/AU.

Vivi Schlünssen has been appointed professor at the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University. In her work, she focuses on how current environmental impacts and environmental impacts from earlier in life and among previous generations affect the health of the population. The new professor investigates how biological dust can both cause lung disease but also protect against certain diseases – depending on the volume, type and diversity of micro-organisms in the environment.

Vivi Schlünssen’s research focuses on identifying risk factors for disease and providing the best conditions for people of working age who suffer from a chronic illness. She hopes that her research can contribute to a better understanding of how and why environmental impacts, including biological dust, can have such a diverse effect on people. 


Professor, Medical Specialist and PhD Vivi Schlünssen
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: (+45) 2899 2499