New professor carries out research into hearts

For the next five years, Professor with special responsibilities (MSO) Hans Eiskjær from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital will carry out research into heart transplantation and advanced treatment of heart failure.

[Translate to English:] Professor (MSO) Hans Eiskjær. Foto: AU Foto.

Hans Eiskjær, who is a new professor with special responsibilities (MSO), will use his research to study whether a better understanding of disease in the coronary arteries can improve the survival rate for patients who have had a heart transplantation. 

The new professor's ambition is to describe the developments in the coronary arteries and at the same time investigate the significance of how the blood platelets function. He will also examine the effect that phototherapy of the white blood cells has on the immune system regarding inhibiting disease of the coronary arteries.

Hans Eiskjaer’s research is particularly important for patients with severe heart failure, who despite medical treatment and perhaps pacemaker treatment, are still disabled by their symptoms and must therefore undergo a heart transplant or alternatively have an artificial heart pump implanted.


Professor (MSO) Hans Eiskjær
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Cardiology