New professor carries out research into parasites

Peter Nejsum from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is new professor with special responsibilities (MSO) of molecular parasitology. His work will include decoding the communication of parasites and examining their influence on the immune system.

[Translate to English:] Professor (MSO) Peter Nejsum. Foto: Tariq Mikkel Khan.
[Translate to English:] Professor (MSO) Peter Nejsum. Foto: Tariq Mikkel Khan.

As professor with special responsibilities (MSO), Peter Nejsum will establish and head a research group which will examine how parasitic worms affect and manipulate our immune system. The worms have developed into true masters when it comes to cheating human and animal immune systems. They therefore often give long-term and chronic infections.

The aim of Peter Nejsum’s research is to improve the treatment of worm infections in both humans and animals. The research could also be important for people suffering from autoimmune diseases such as e.g. chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), multiple sclerosis and psoriasis.

Peter Nejsum’s professorship is funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research. His inaugural lecture is titled "The Matrix – parasites have consumed and manipulate the world" and will be held on Thursday 20 April 2017 at 13:00.

Professor (MSO) Peter Nejsum
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases
Mobile: (+45) 5054 1392