New professor: Infections lead to different courses of diseases

Some people suffer frequent infections and become very ill, while others are almost never affected. In a new professorship, Trine Hyrup Mogensen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital will study why this is.

[Translate to English:] Trine Hyrup Mogensen er ny professor i infektionsimmunologi på Institut for Biomedicin. Foto: Jann Thiele Zeiss/Health.
[Translate to English:] Trine Hyrup Mogensen er ny professor i infektionsimmunologi på Institut for Biomedicin. Foto: Jann Thiele Zeiss/Health.

Are you one of those people who seemingly always catches infections and becomes very ill? If you are, then you are of special interest to Trine Hyrup Mogensen, medical specialist and new professor of infection immunology. One area she studies is patients with defective immune systems, who due to either a lack of immune cells or defective cellular signal paths, are particularly exposed to suffering serious infections.

Infections are caused by microorganisms which invade and reproduce in the body. Trine Hyrup Mogensen and her research colleagues study how microorganisms are recognised, and how the immune system activates and fights infections such as influenza, COVID-19 and inflammation of the brain caused by the herpes virus or the chickenpox virus.

The new knowledge and insight into disease mechanisms and immunology is important for patients who e.g. require vaccinations and antibiotics for prevention, and for medical doctors in providing qualified diagnostics, targeted individual treatment and examination, and advice for family members with the same immune defects.


Professor, DMSc, Medical Specialist Trine Hyrup Mogensen
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases
Mobile: (+45) 2012 5280