Preben Bo Mortensen receives the 2020 Novo Nordisk Prize

Professor and Scientific Director at iPSYCH Preben Bo Mortensen receives the Novo Nordisk Prize 2020 in recognition of his research into mental disorders.

[Translate to English:] Den videnskabelige direktør i iPSYCH Preben Bo Mortensen modtager Novo Nordisk Prisen 2020 for sin forskning i psykiske lidelser. Foto: Lars Kruse/AU

Preben Bo Mortensen utilises register-based research in his work to uncover mental disorders in the population, improve the treatment of people with mental disorders and prevent suicide. His research has revealed that suicide is more common among people with a history of mental disorders, making it even more important to detect these disorders at an early stage and ensure the correct treatment is provided.

Preben Bo Mortensen is the scientific director at iPSYCH as well as professor at the Department of Economics and Business Economics and centre director at the National Centre for Register-Based Research. He receives the Novo Nordisk Prize together with Clinical Professor Merete Nordentoft from the University of Copenhagen. They receive the award for their joint clinical and epidemiological research contributions to medical science in Denmark. The prize is accompanied by DKK 3 million, with DKK 2.5 million earmarked for research and DKK 500,000 as a personal award.


Professor, Centre Director & Scientific Director Preben Bo Mortensen
Aarhus University, Department of Economics and Business, The National Centre for Register-Based Research and iPSYCH
Tel.: (+45) 8716 5359

The coverage is based on press material from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.