Professor aims to measure the transfer rate between the retina and the brain
Sarang Dalal is a professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine and Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN). He has recently received an ERC Proof of Concept grant for his OptiVision project, which aims to make it easier to diagnose neurodegeneration.

When we humans use our sight, large amounts of information are transferred from the retina to distant areas of the visual cortex in the brain. The speed of that transfer could be used to measure and diagnose neurodegeneration before visual symptoms ever arise.
In his new research project, Sarang Dalal will try to measure the high-frequency transfer rate between the retina and the visual cortex. He hopes that doing so will help diagnose and assess the development of neurodegenerative disorders in patients at neurologic and eye clinics.
The European Research Council recently announced 66 new Proof of Concept grants of EUR 150,000 each, corresponding to approx. DKK 1.1 million. The funding is part of the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe.
Read more about the ERC Proof of Concept grants or Professor Sarang Dalal's research.
Professor Sarang S. Dalal
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN)