Professor receives honorary scholarship for research into dental and maxillofacial pain

Lene Baad-Hansen, who is professor at Aarhus University, receives the Ingeborg and Leo Dannins Scholarship for her contribution to understanding the causes of maxillofacial pain and headaches in the adult population.

Lene Baad-Hansen is presented with the Ingeborg and Leo Dannins Scholarship for Scientific Research at an event at Health on 25 March 2022. The scholarship amount of DKK 300,000 includes a prize of honour of DKK 50,000 with the remainder earmarked for research. Photo: Jann Zeiss, AU Health.

Chronic pain in the teeth and jaws is difficult to cure and can – in the worst case – be debilitating. Lene Baad-Hansen from the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health conducts research into methods of investigating sensory disturbances in patients with e.g. pain after nerve damage in the mouth and face or problems with the jaw and its muscles. Her research has, among other things, contributed to a new international classification of orofacial pain, and she now receives the Ingeborg and Leo Dannins Scholarship for Scientific Research for her efforts.

Lene Baad-Hansen will use the scholarship for a major project in which she will study genetic, nutritional and lifestyle-related risk factors for the development of jaw pain and headaches among young Danish adults. 32,000 people have been invited to participate in the research project.

The Ingeborg and Leo Dannins Scholarship for Scientific Research was founded in 1978 on the basis of capital bequeathed by Leo Dannin at the time of his death in 1971. The funds are allocated to research in medicine and dentistry, as well as natural science and technology.


Professor, DDS & PhD Lene Baad-Hansen
Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health
Mobile: (+45) 5140 1984