Professor: We can diagnose prostate cancer earlier

According to Professor Karina Dalsgaard Sørensen from Aarhus University, detailed analyses in the laboratory can pave the way for early and accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer and for better treatment.

[Translate to English:] Karina Dalsgaard Sørensen ser professoratet som en mulighed for at fortsætte og videreudvikle sit arbejde inden for prostatakræftforskning og personlig medicin.

Karina Dalsgaard Sørensen, who took up the position of professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine on 1 July, conducts research into new methods of diagnosing prostate cancer and targeting treatment of the individual patient. She uses DNA- and RNA sequencing for detailed analyses of cancer tissue and blood- and urine samples. Her research includes both molecular-biological experiments in the laboratory and clinical trials involving patients.

The goal is to develop new and better testing methods, so that medical doctors can detect prostate cancer at an early stage and make a more accurate diagnosis. A better diagnosis will make it possible to offer a treatment that is adapted to the individual patient, increasing their chance of survival and leading to fewer side effects for the men affected by the disease.


Professor and PhD Karina Dalsgaard Sørensen

Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Molecular Medicine

Mobile: (+45) 2064 4363