Psychiatry professor receives the Jorck Foundation Research Prize 2020

Professor Søren Dinesen Østergaard from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital – Psychiatry, has put Danish psychiatric research on the world map, among other things by developing tools, which facilitate quantification of the severity of mental disorders. These achievements now earn him a highly prestigious research award.

[Translate to English:] Professor Søren Dinesen Østergaard modtager Jorcks Fonds Forskningspris 2020 for sin psykiatriforskning. Foto: Martin Gravgaard


Professor Søren Østergaard Dinesen and his research team have succeeded in developing and improving measurement tools for use in psychiatry. As the first in the world, he has developed a scale that can measure the severity of psychotic depression. And he has abbreviated an existing scale, so that the severity of schizophrenia symptoms can be determined more easily and faster, but just as precisely. Both tools have been translated into several languages and are used in both clinical practice and for research purposes in countries across the world.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard receives the Jorck Foundation Research Prize 2020 in recognition of his impressive research in the field of psychiatry. The research prize comes with a travel grant of DKK 200,000 and a scholarship of DKK 300,000 for further research, which includes studies on the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for mental health, as well as the impact of terrorist attacks on the development of mental disorders across national borders.


Professor Søren Dinesen Østergaard
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital – Psychiatry, Department of Affective Disorders
Mobile: (+45) 6128 2753